Print Print 2011-12-01

Partly Facetious: The guy is a chewer

"Disabled forever, so stated our Interior Minister."
Published December 1, 2011

"Disabled forever, so stated our Interior Minister."
"Our IM cannot disable any institution or anyone for that matter."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Well, he tried to disable the opposition by warning them to lay off criticising the President and he just made the attacks against the President worse."
"That's politics, and IM didn't expect the opposition to shut up just to reinforce his undying loyalty to the man who opened the world to him."
"Indeed, but why do you refer to him as the IM?"
"IM stands for Immaculate Merger, you know the merger between the Bhuttos and the Zardaris."
"Excuse me, that merger took place decades ago when Benazir Bhutto married Asif Ali Zardari."
"I meant in terms of power - IM played a key role in that."
"That's not true either, it's the central executive committee of the PPP that made it possible and don't forget Ms Bhutto's will."
"If you are going to get persnickety about it I will shut up."
"Not put up?"
"Can't, the only ones putting up these days are the Tehrik-e-Insaf gang and the PML (N) is kinda gearing up as well but in a lukewarm fashion. Nisar Ali has resigned from the chairmanship of the PAC but the party remains in power in the largest province so I would say lukewarm."
"Anyway, IM states the government would implement the DCC decision with respect to alliance with Nato forever."
"In terms of disabling the Nato supply network?"
"Yes, and my point was that he tried to disable the ISI but failed..."
"That was too big a move for him to chew."
"Hey the guy is a chewer if you know what I mean, it doesn't matter to him if he cant digest what he chews but he will chew it all."
"It doesn't even matter to him if what he says is chewable by the rest of us."
"True, but I have an idea. Why doesn't the Supreme Court refer to DEC and thereby ensure that its decisions are implemented."
"Oh, come on, are you naive."
"Well, the court decisions may then begin to be implemented, I mean he may actually direct his staff to carry out investigation impartially."
"God forbid, that's not kosher. In the interest of reconciliation..."
"Oh, give me a break!"

Copyright Business Recorder, 2011


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